In the event of an emergency, call our operator on +420 722 153 921 od from 6.30am to 6pm. If it’s not a sewage emergency, you can use our Online form.
We handle all issues connected with sewage
Not only do we offer sewage cleaning, but if you have repeated clogging we’ll get to the root of the issue using our camera system. We locate the defect on the surface and prepare you a quote for repair. We carry out either sewage construction repairs or use trenchless technology and insert lining. We mill in-growing roots and leaked concrete in pipelines using special nozzles and controlled robotic milling machines.
We also suction and clean grease separators from kitchens and pumping station.
We bring all necessary cleaning equipment to locations in Říčany
Our cleaning vehicles are fully equipped with technology for mechanical cleaning of household drains and for sewage cleaning using pressurized water.
Our suction vehicles are equipped with pressurised water, so not only do we empty your reservoir but we also clean it thoroughly. Only one of our vehicles performs both the suction and cleaning process.